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Stay Mentally Active With These Hobbies For Seniors

Added on April 13, 2018 by Lucy_Wyndham

Stay Mentally Active With These Hobbies For Seniors

The top 15 health concerns for seniors include cancer, arthritis and heart disease, showing the importance of a good diet and exercise as you age. However, included in this list are cognitive impairments including Alzheimer's and depression. To avoid the problems of memory-related conditions as well as mental conditions related to social isolation, seniors should find mentally stimulating hobbies. Engaging in the following activities will keep you sharp well into old age, in order to slow the natural deterioration of cognitive faculties.

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Out And About: Helping Seniors With Limited Mobility Make The Most Of Springtime

Added on March 30, 2018 by Lucy_Wyndham

Out And About: Helping Seniors With Limited Mobility Make The Most Of Springtime

Spring is here, and it's the perfect time to enjoy the mild weather and revel in the beauty of nature. Anyone who wants to improve their health and shake off the winter doldrums should take advantage of the mild weather as the Harvard Health Letter reports that being outdoors allows you to get more exercise, improve focus and concentration, and it can even help to boost happiness. Even seniors who need help with ambulation can benefit from the sunshine and fresh air as being outdoors can improve an elderly person's physical and mental health in different ways.

If you have an aging parent or relative with limited mobility, don't fret. There are lots of ways that your loved one can enjoy the great outdoors while staying safe and comfortable. Here's how you can help your senior loved one make the most of springtime.

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How Pet Ownership Can Make Seniors Live Long and Healthy

Added on December 15, 2017 by Lucy_Wyndham

How Pet Ownership Can Make Seniors Live Long and Healthy

People love their pets. According to the American Pet Product Association, 68% of U.S. families own a pet, which are about 85 million households in America. As a result, pet owners spend approximately $40 billion a year in pet care and supplies alone. This might seem a bit overwhelming but when you consider the benefits, it will instantly seem like a smart investment for years to come.

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How to Make Any Garden Elderly-Friendly

Added on September 29, 2017 by Lucy_Wyndham

How to Make Any Garden Elderly-Friendly

One of the great joys of growing old is finally having the time to do the things you've always wanted—like growing your very own garden. Gardening encourages spending time with nature, allowing people to be more in touch with natural beauty and realize the benefits of being outdoors. Studies in public health show that people in the U.S. spend up to 90% of their time indoors, which can lead to a sedentary, isolated lifestyle, especially for seniors.

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